A Comparative Study on Nanofiller Reinforcement on the Properties of Thermoplastic Starch Films as Packaging Materials
Author : Tito, Marlo Angelo Mones
Major Adviser : Migo, Veronica P.
Major Co-Adviser : Jara, Aileen A.
Committee Members : Arocena, Rhebner E.; Migo-Sumagang, Maria Victoria P.
Year : 2020
Month : July
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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The environmental problems associated with plastics have prompted the development of sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives that may help mitigate its effects. This includes the development of bioplastics as they are biologically sourced, and they persist for a very short time when disposed. Thermoplastic starch (TPS) is one of the most common bioplastics due to the abundance of its source and its ease in production. It is also low-cost and it biodegrades for a short amount of time. However, using TPS alone is not sufficient due to its weak mechanical and barrier properties. Thus, emerging technologies such as nanofiller reinforcement are applied in order to enhance its properties. This study focuses on the comparative study of nanofiller reinforcement on TPS. A literature review was conducted on the different fabrication factors that affect TPS properties. Different nanofillers and how they interact with the starch matrix based on their chemical identity and structure were also explored. These dictate the reinforcing mechanism of the nanofillers in TPS, and therefore the enhancement of certain properties of the nanocomposite film. Based on recent studies regarding TPS nanocomposites, nanofillers are now being used innovatively by modification or combination with other nanofillers. Green technology is also incorporated with nanofiller production. Finally, the results show that TPS nanocomposites are promising materials as environmentally-friendly and cost-effective alternatives for packaging.
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