ONLINE FORMS & Resources (for Faculty/Staff/REPs)

ONLINE FORMS & Resources (for FAculty/ staff/ reps)

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Online Forms

Effective May 2023, all forms that require the signature of the Department Chair should be printed and the hard/printed copy submitted to the Office of the DChE Department Chair. Please look for Ms. Rodora Calibo or any staff inside the office who can receive your document.

Please generate your permit through the UPLB OHMS website:

1. Download and fill-up the completion/removal form

2. Please submit using this Google form.

  1. For student(s) that are not included in the SAIS grade roster, please use Pre-SAIS grade sheet template (use your UP mail to gain access to the form).
  2. Please submit using this Google form.

Please submit your article including a featured photo of the article to the DChE email for review.

Using the template, please submit the update to the DChE email.

1. DChE SROC forms (use your UP mail to gain access to the forms):

a. DChE Approval of Thesis Proposal form 
b. DChE Copyright Permission form 

2. Please submit documents to SROC using this google form.

Request needs to be submitted at least one (1) working day before actual use. The items can be requested by accomplishing this form.

Personnel who would physically report/visit the DChE premises are required to submit a copy of the OHMS-generated Building Pass prior to entry. Please read the instructions found in this form.

To submit your approved Certificate of Service, please use this Google form.