Online forms & Resources (for Students)

Online forms forms & resources (for students)

Online Forms

Please contact the concerned faculty directly via email.

The list of email addresses are found here.

Effective May 2023, all forms that require the signature of the Department Chair should be printed and the hard/printed copy submitted to the Office of the DChE Department Chair. Please look for Ms. Rodora Calibo or any staff inside the office who can receive your document.

1) Get your COI forms.

For BS students, get your COI forms from: 

For MS students, get your COI forms from:

2) Find out the name of the Faculty-in-Charge (FIC) from this list.

  • ChE 180 – AProf. RP Eusebio
  • ChE 185 – aProf. JZ Alcantara
  • ChE 191 – Prof. VP Migo
  • ChE 199 – Prof. VP Migo
  • ChE/SUTC 200 – Your adviser
  • ChE 243 – AProf. MCM Detras
  • ChE 245 – aProf. MC Del Barrio
  • ChE 272 – aProf. JZ Alcantara
  • ChE 283 – Prof. CG Alfafara
  • ChE 286 – Prof. VP Migo
  • ChE 299 – Prof. VP Migo
  • ChE 300 – Your adviser

3) Find the email address of the FIC from the DChE Website, and send your COI to the FIC for signature. The list of email addresses are found here:

4) Submit your COI to the applicable office/personnel (see below):

Submit your COI to CEAT OCS (BS Students)


Submit your COI to GS (MS Students) [email protected]

For students who graduated at the end of each term/ semester, please wait for an email from [email protected] before accomplishing the google forms below.

As part of the department clearance process, please fill out this form: 

Please follow this link for the college and university clearance steps:

There are many forms that need to be submitted to the CEAT College Secretary’s office depending on each situation. Instructions for each form can be seen and can be downloaded in

Application to the limited face-to-face activities is on a per term basis (deadline for each term can be found in the form). Please ensure that all documentary requirements are available before filling up this form.

Application for virtual internship is on a per term basis (deadline for each term can be found in the form). Please ensure that all documentary requirements are available before filling up this form.

Request needs to be submitted at least one (1) working day before actual use. The items can be requested by accomplishing this form.

Students who would physically report/visit the DChE premises due to limited face-to-face activities are required to submit a copy of the OHMS-generated Building Pass prior to entry. Please read the instructions found in this form.

Student Handbooks/Manuals and other downloadable resources

Scholarships Information

You may visit the website of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs ( for more information.

Please see the following links:


Links to other UP websites