Comparative Evaluation of the Different Methods for the Utilization of Sugarcane Filter Cake
Author : Dayham, May Rose A.
Major Adviser : Arocena, Rhebner E.
Committee Members : Bataller, Butch G.; Capunitan, Jewel A.
Year : 2021
Month : August
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Disposal of sugarcane filter cake (SFC) has been a problem because of its negative impacts to the environment. Thus, various utilization methods, such as production of filter cake activated carbon, policosanol wax extraction, and biogas conversion, of this by-product have been studied. The three utilization methods were evaluated and compared based on the yield of production, estimated partial cost of production, reusability of the spent SFC, and feasibility of the method in a large-scale production. Furthermore, material balances on the three utilization methods were performed. SFC at 45,742.49 kg/h can produce 3,118.38 kg/h FCAC, 1,013.96 kg/h policosanol wax, and 1,250.30 kg/h of biogas. The cost of production for FCAC production, wax extraction, and biogas generation, with the mentioned mass flow rate of SFC are Php 871,486,191.61, Php 663, 911,504.94, and Php 14,743,944.78, respectively. The differences in the amount of production are due to the various composition of SFC that is responsible for the conversion of each product. Also, the spent SFC after biogas conversion can be reused as a fertilizer to crops, hence, the most sustainable and eco- friendly among the three methods. It is recommended to conduct a benefit-cost analysis and plant design to also address the disposal and treatment of the wastes produced during the process.
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