Effects of Nutrient Supplementation on Bioethanol Production from Sugarcane Molasses Using Instant Dry Yeast
Author : Concepcion, Angela Mae Lucas
Major Adviser : Gatdula, Kristel M.
Committee Members : Sanchez, Denise Ester S.; Alcantara, Jerico Z.
Year : 2020
Month : July
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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The production of bioethanol which is used as blends in transport fuels in the Philippines is still challenged, therefore efforts to find more economic and efficient ways were made by supplementing nutrients to the fermentation of sugarcane molasses by instant dry yeast. The sugarcane molasses was fermented with instant dry yeast at 30 ̊C for 72 hours and supplemented with nitrogen using urea and diammonium phosphate, additional phosphate using sodium phosphate and potassium using potassium chloride. The effects of nitrogen source, nitrogen concentration, phosphate supplementation and potassium supplementation on bioethanol yield were determined using parametric analysis. The results show that varying the nitrogen source from urea to diammonium phosphate did not give any significant effect on bioethanol yield while increasing nitrogen concentration from 0.5 g N/L to 1.0 g N/L significantly increased the bioethanol yield from 26.27% w/w and 28.44% w/w, respectively. On the other hand, addition of 2.24 g/L potassium chloride significantly decreased the bioethanol yield from 28.20% w/w to 26.50% w/w, respectively, while the addition of phosphate did not give any significant effect on bioethanol yield. The highest bioethanol yield obtained from sugarcane molasses using instant dry yeast has a value of 33.50% w/w with the yield efficiency of 61.93%. Therefore, to improve the bioethanol yield of the fermentation of sugarcane molasses using instant dry yeast, nitrogen should be supplemented at increased amount while in the addition of potassium, the medium of the pH must be considered as it has an effect on bioethanol yield in the presence of potassium.
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