Parametric and Kinetic Studies on the Decolorization of Aqueous Methyl Orange Dye Solution using Electrolyzed Water
Author : Edrozo, Kristine Joyce Luna
Major Adviser : Arocena, Rhebner E.
Committee Members : Capunitan, Jewel A.; Migo-Sumagang, Maria Victoria P.
Year : 2018
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Aqueous methyl orange (MO) dye solution was treated using electrolyzed water generated by Cawolo Disinfectant Generator CA-5. A regular two-level full factorial design was used as the experimental design. One-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the effects of the three parameters, namely: initial concentration, volume ratio of electrolyzed water (EW) to wastewater and reaction time. All three factors had significant effects on the decolorization of MO which was measured in terms of milligram of MO removed per amount of free chlorine used (mg MO removed/mg free chlorine). The initial dye concentration and reaction time showed a direct relationship with the response, while the volume ratio exhibited an inverse relationship with the response. The treatment combination of 300-ppm initial concentration, volume ratio of 1:9 and 5-hour reaction time attained the highest amount of MO removed per amount of free chlorine used, which is equal to 2.4086 mg MO removed/ mg free chlorine, thus it was subjected for the kinetic study. The decolorization of aqueous methyl orange dye solution upon addition of electrolyzed water has an order of 2 and a rate constant equal to 0.0002 min/ppm. These kinetic parameters can be used in the design of the reactor for the decolorization process of aqueous methyl orange (MO) dye solution. Lastly, the treatment combination of 150 ppm, 3:7 volume ratio and 5-hour reaction time achieved the maximum % decolorization of 99.93 %.
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