Parametric and Kineticcs Studies on the Decolorization of Aqueous Methylene Blue Solution using Acidic Electrolyzed Water
Author : Natividad, Bernard Impas
Major Adviser : Arocena, Rhebner E.
Committee Members : Movillon, Jovita A.; Guerrero, Gino Apollo M.
Year : 2017
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Aqueous methylene blue solution was subjected to decolorization using acidic electrolyzed water generated by Cawolo Disinfectant Generator CA-5. The efficiency of methylene blue decolorization was evaluated on three parameters such as wastewater concentration (200 and 300 ppm), volume ratio of electrolyzed water with synthetic wastewater (0.5mL: 9.5mL and 2mL: 8mL) and reaction time (2 and 8hours). The experimental design was generated using Design Expert 10 Trial Version(1193-2276-5252-EVAL). The design of the experiment was two-way factorial. The model generated for the removal of methylene blue solution per amount of free chlorine used was significant. As for the parameters, statistical analysis showed that the significant model terms are volume ratio, reaction time, and interaction of reaction time-volume ratio of electrolyzed water. Moreover, the highest decolorization efficiency was2.35 mg removed/ mg free chlorine used which was obtained at 300 ppm initial concentration of wastewater, (0.5mL: 9.5 mL) volume ratio of electrolyzed water, and 8 hours of reaction time. In this set of conditions, kinetics study on the decolorization of aqueous methylene blue solution was made. Kinetics analysis showed that the decolorization of methylene blue solution follows zero order kinetics with specific rate contant, k, equal to 12.558 ppm/hour.
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