Parametric Study on Binary Solvent Extraction of Oil from Petroleum Nut (Pittosporum resiniferum Hemsl.) using Hexane and Ethanol
Author : Padilla Jr., Alexander Fernicol
Major Adviser : Migo-Sumagang, Maria Victoria P.
Committee Members : Alfafara, Catalino G.; Migo, Veronica P.; Borines, Myra G.
Year : 2017
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Petroleum nut is a good source of essential oils which can be used for medicinal, therapeutic, and other purposes. A parametric study on binary solvent extraction of oil from petroleum nuts using hexane and ethanol was conducted. Ethanol-hexane ratio (1:1, 5:1), solvent-to-nut ratio (2:1, 6:1) and agitation time (30, 120 min) were the parameters considered in this study. Design Expert was used to formulate the 2ᵏ factorial experimental runs and for statistical analyses. Based on the experimental runs, the highest percent oil yield was 13.06 %, given by the parameter combination 1:1 ethanol-hexane ratio, 6:1 solvent-to-nut ratio and 120 min of agitation. Soxhlet extraction was performed with parameters 1:1 ethanol-hexane ratio, 18:1 solvent-to-nut ratio, 8 hours of extraction time and 200°C which resulted to 34.10% percent oil yield. The percent oil recovery obtained was 38.30% based on maximum recoverable oil from the nut. This implies that there are still extractable components in petroleum nuts that can be recovered. The design model was insignificant with a p-value of 0.3203. The ethanol-hexane ratio was insignificant because petroleum nut oil components are soluble to both polar and non- polar solvents. Solvent-to-nut ratio and agitation time were also insignificant which may be due to narrow range chosen. Hence, further experiments are recommended to verify whether these factors are indeed insignificant using wider range of low and high values.
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