Parametric Study on Methanolysis of Refined Coconut Oil using Potassium Hydroxide-Impregnated Calcium Oxide from Eggshells as Catalysts and Tetrahydrofuran as Co-Solvent
Author : Limpiada, Josef Raemiel Eusebio
Major Adviser : Bambase, Manolito E. Jr.
Committee Members : Borines, Myra G.; De Castro, Leandro T.; Dizon, Lisa Stephanie H.
Year : 2016
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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This parametric study was conducted to determine the effects of the presence of tetrahydrofuran (THF), amount of catalyst, and methanolysis temperature on the %fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) purity and %FAME yield. It was done using a 2k full factorial design of experiments with center points wherein the amount of catalyst was tested for values of 5wt% and 10wt% and temperature of 30°C and 60°C. The calcium oxide (CaO) catalyst was derived from calcination of eggshells at 900°C for 4 hours. It was impregnated with potassium hydroxide (KOH) via wet impregnation. The KOH-impregnated CaO was characterized using X-Ray Diffraction and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. From the total of 20 runs conducted at constant 6:1 methanol to oil molar ratio and 1-hour reaction time based on the design of experiment, the highest average FAME yield obtained was 28.90% with 100% FAME Purity. Analysis of the data at 95% confidence level through ANOVA showed that the temperature, presence of THF, amount of catalyst and interaction of presence of THF and amount of catalyst have significant effect on %FAME purity, all with positive effects. Only temperature and amount of catalyst, both with positive effects, have significant effect on %FAME yield. Lastly, only %FAME purity has been determined to have a significant curvature.
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