Parametric Study on the Color Reduction of Aqueous Malachite Green by UV-Assisted Photocatalysis using Pelletized Magnesium Oxide
Author : Honra, Aron Ensina
Major Adviser : Arocena, Rhebner E.
Committee Members : Alfafara, Catalino G.; Migo-Sumagang, Maria Victoria P.; Migo, Veronica P.
Year : 2017
Month : July
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Wastewater treatment comprises one of the largest portion of the research area and the focal point of this study is the color removal of simulated Malachite green solutions by photocatalysis, using Magnesium oxide as photocatalyst. The mechanisms involved are photocatalysis and adsorption where the presence of light enhanced the color removal of dye. The parameters include initial dye concentration, contact time, mass of photocatalyst, and agitation speed. The response recorded was the color reduction of the dye per mass of photocatalyst (q) in mg/g. The study employed the use of 2ᵏ full factorial design and one-way analysis of variance to analyze the effect of the parameters and their interactions. The initial dye concentration, contact time, agitation speed, the interaction between initial dye concentration and mass of photocatalyst, the interaction between contact time and agitation, the interaction between the mass of photocatalyst and agitation, the interaction between the initial dye concentration and agitation, and the interaction among initial dye concentration, contact time, and agitation speed were found to be significant. The highest response of 5.5572 ± 0.0199 mg/g was obtained at an initial concentration of 200 ppm, contact time of 4 hours, agitation speed of 400 rpm, and mass of photocatalyst of 5 grams. An isotherm study was conducted without the presence of light and a maximum adsorptive capacity of 7.0207 mg/g was recorded which best fitted the Langmuir isotherm model.
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