Parametric Study on the Color Removal of Methylene Blue Solution Using Titanium Dioxide Impregnated on Pili Nut Shells as Catalyst
Author : Bondoc, Melvin Inong
Major Adviser : Bautista, Ramer P.
Committee Members : Arocena, Rhebner E.; Sanchez, Denise Ester S.
Year : 2019
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Decolorization of methylene blue solution was studied by varying three factors such as catalyst loading, irradiation time and initial dye concentration utilizing full two-level factorial design. Among the parameters, irradiation time and initial dye concentration were found to have significant effects on decolorization of the dye, 3.22 and -8.20, respectively. Results showed that initial dye concentration had greater effect on decolorization of methylene blue. Moreover, catalyst loading-irradiation time interaction was observed to have significant effect on decolorization. Maximum decolorization of methylene blue solution, 49.12%, was observed when the catalyst loading, irradiation time, and initial dye concentration were 1000 mg/L, 30 minutes, and 10 ppm, respectively. Minimum decolorization was 10.10% at 1000 mg/L catalyst loading, 30 minutes irradiation, and 30 ppm initial dye concentration. Controlled experiments revealed that photolysis and adsorption also contributed to decolorization of methylene blue. Photolysis contributed to higher decolorization of methylene blue than adsorption, 62.06% and 17.94%, respectively. Based on the result, the presence of light greatly affected the decolorization of methylene blue.
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