Parametric Study on the Photocatalytic Decolorization of Congo Red Dye Solution using a Parabolic through Solar Concentrator
Author : Francisco, Rafael Antonio
Major Adviser : Bautista, Ramer P.
Committee Members : Sanchez, Denise Ester S.; Migo, Veronica P.
Year : 2018
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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The effect of initial dye concentration, catalyst loading and initial pH on the photocatalytic decolorization of Congo Red dye using titanium dioxide as catalyst was studied under concentrated solar radiation. Results showed that the highest percent decolorization of concentrated solar radiation by photocatalysis was 96.53% at low initial dye concentration, high catalyst loading and low initial pH. The significant main effects were initial dye concentration and catalyst loading. Increasing the initial dye concentration would decrease the percent decolorization because of the decrease in penetration of light cause by dye molecules while increasing the catalyst loading would increase the percent decolorization because of the increase in active site of the catalyst. The significant interaction effects were initial dye concentration-catalyst loading, initial dye concentration-initial pH and catalyst loading-initial pH. The most influential factor was the initial dye concentration. From the kinetic study of photocatalysis at low initial dye concentration, high catalyst loading and low initial pH, result showed that it follows a pseudo-first order reaction with a rate constant of 0.0352.
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