Energy Assessment of Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) In The Philippines
Author : Dimaano, Rona Marie Dapo
Major Adviser : Bambase Jr., Manolito E.
Committee Members : Dizon, Lisa Stephanie H.; Gatdula, Kristel M.
Year : 2020
Month : August
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Solid waste generation in the Philippines has been constantly increasing in recent years. Along with it is the need for an efficient and environmentally acceptable solid waste management practices. Hence, Republic Act No. 9003 or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was enacted to address this concern. However, efficient waste management remains one of biggest problems in the Philippines due to lack of strict implementation of RA 9003. Recently, the use of waste-to-energy technology is being considered as one possible approach to municipal solid waste (MSW) management and disposal. Energy balance on such technology was conducted in this study to assess the potential of MSW as a renewable source of energy. Since MSW has O/C ratio of 0.67 and H/C of 1.45, it is suitable as a fuel for combustion. Compared to landfilling, direct combustion can reduce the volume of waste by 80 to 90% while using minimal space. In addition, incineration does not have methane emissions compared to landfills. Energy efficiency analysis was conducted based on an incineration plant with a capacity of 1,200 tons MSW/day. Efficiency of energy recovery was determined based on an energy balance on net production. It was found out that the total energy content of input feed is 124,854.03 kW, and the total energy generated is 28,021.07 kW. Supplying the total of 6,889.03 kW electricity requirement of the plant, the total energy that can be distributed to the communities is 21,132.05 kW. The calculated energy recovery efficiency is 16.93%. To improve efficiency, other studies suggest using feed with higher energy content such as biomass with calorific value 15.41 to 19.52 MJ/kg. Based on these results, waste-to-energy technologies using MSW has a potential as a viable source of renewable source of energy in the country.
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