Performance Evaluation of a Continuous Clarifier
Author : Angeles, Pamela C.
Major Adviser : Demafelis, Rex B.
Committee Members : Acda, Reynaldo I.; Movillon, Jovita A.; Abrigo Jr., Casiano S.
Year : 1993
Month : April
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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A laboratory-scale continuous clarifier was tested to run at 5, 9, and 15% b.w. mud-lime in water slurry, fed at 1, 1.5 and 2.011/min. The rake speed and underflow rate was set at 8 rpm and 168.9 ml/min, respectively. Feeding and overflow collection was done continuously while underflow was done intermittently. The total amount of solid withdrawn is not equal to the total amount fed due to inconsistency in the concentration of the feed and inefficiency of the rake to transport the solids towards the center. Clarification increased as feed rate and feed concentration decreased and was observed at 5% b.w. mud-lime in water slurry fed at 1 L/min. Thickening increased as feed rate and feed concentration increased and was observed at 9% b.w. mud-lime in water slurry fed at 2 L/min.
the clarifier fails at 15% b.w. solid concentration because of the thick sludge and the rake cannot transport because of the thick sludge and the rake cannot transport it efficiently. Further test and the was done at 15% b.w. solid fed at 2 L/min at 8 rpm, but with an underflow rate of 310 mL/min. Accumulation was still observed, but in a lesser amount.
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