faculty & staff

Dr. Monet Concepcion M. Detras is a licensed Chemical Engineer and an Assistant Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department. Her research interests include biofuels production and catalytic upgrading, hazardous waste management, wastewater treatment, electrochemical processes, and valuable metals recovery. She also has experiences in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Economic Valuation of various proposed projects. She graduated BS Chemical Engineering cum laude from UP Los Baños; she also received her MS degree in Chemical Engineering (minor in Environmental Science) from UP Los Baños garnering the Academic Achievement Award; and her PhD degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA with a cumulative GPA of 4.0.
Research Interests: Bioenergy, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Engineering, Thermochemical Conversion Processes
Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QXLBrKcAAAAJ&hl=en
Academic History
BS Chemical Engineering, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 2004
MS Chemical Engineering, Minor in Environmental Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 2009
PhD Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2004
selected publications
Book Chapters
- HUNG, N.V., C. MAGUYON-DETRAS, M.V. MIGO, R. QUILLOY, C. BALINGBING, P. CHIVENGE, ET. AL. (2020) Rice Straw Overview: Availability, Properties, and Management Practices. In Gummert, M., N.V. Hung, P. Chivenge & B. Douthwaite, Sustainable Rice Straw Management (pp. 1-13). Cham, Switzerland: SpringerOpen.
- MAGUYON-DETRAS, M.C. , M.V. P. MIGO, N.V. HUNG, M. GUMMERT. (2020) Thermochemical Conversion of Rice Straw. In Gummert, M., N.V. Hung, P. Chivenge & B. Douthwaite, Sustainable Rice Straw Management (pp. 43-64). Cham, Switzerland: SpringerOpen
- NGAN, NVC, FMS CHAN, TS NAM, HV THAO, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, DV HUNG, et. al. (2020) Anaerobic Digestion of Rice Straw for Biogas Production. In Gummert, M., N.V. Hung, P. Chivenge & B. Douthwaite, Sustainable Rice Straw Management (pp. 65-92). Cham, Switzerland: SpringerOpen
Refereed Articles
- LAURIO MVO, JA VELANDRES, CG ALFAFARA, VP MIGO, MCM DETRAS, JM SUNGA-AMPARO, M MENDOZA. 2020. Potentiostatic Electrodeposition as an Option to the Traditional Recovery of Silver in Artisanal Gold Smelting Wastewater in Bulacan, Philippines. Philippine Engineering Journal 41 (1): 67-86.
- MIGO-SUMAGANG MVP, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, M GUMMERT, CG ALFAFARA, MG BORINES, JA CAPUNITAN, NV HUNG. 2020. Rice-Straw-Based Heat Generation System Compared to Open-Field Burning and Soil Incorporation of Rice Straw: An Assessment of Energy, GHG Emissions, and Economic Impacts. Sustainability 12, 5327.
- MIGO-SUMAGANG MVP, NV HUNG, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, CG ALFAFARA, MG BORINES, JA CAPUNITAN, M GUMMERT. 2020. Optimization of a downdraft furnace for rice straw-based heat generation., Renewable Energy 148:953-963. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.11.
- VIVAS, E.L., C.G. ALFAFARA, V.P. MIGO, K. CHO, C.M. DETRAS, L.C. TRINIDAD, M.D. MENDOZA, S. LEE. 2019. Comparative Evaluation of Alkali Precipitation and Electrodeposition for Copper Removal in Artisanal Gold Smelting Wastewater in the Philippines. Desalination and Water Treatment 150: 396-405.
- REQUIERO, M.C.J., C. MAGUYON-DETRAS, J.A. CAPUNITAN, C.G.ALFAFARA. 2018. Parametric Analysis of Pyrolysis Conditions for Yield and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Biochar from Waste Cacao Pod Husk. Philippine Journal of Crop Science Special Issue 1-11
- BORINES, M.G., MVP MIGO-SUMAGANG, JL MOVILLON, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, ME BAMBASE JR., GAM GUERRERO AND RA L. GUTING. 2018. Parametric and Optimization Studies on the Solvent Extraction of Petroleum Nuts (Pittosporum resiniferum) oil. Philippine Journal of Crop Science Special Issue 53-64.
- LUMBRES, L.M.R., C. MAGUYON-DETRAS, M.V.P. MIGO, M.U. HERRERA and R.D. MANALO. 2018. Synthesis and Characterization of Transparent Conducting Film from Abaca Hybrid 7 Cellulose Acetate Blend and Polyaniline. Key Engineering Materials 775: 50-56. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.775.50
- SABERON, S.I., C. MAGUYON-DETRAS. M.V.P. MIGO, M.U. HERRERA and R.D. MANALO. 2018. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Paper. Key Engineering Materials 775: 163-168. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.775.163
- ALBARICO, J.S., C.M. DETRAS, P.R.P. SANCHEZ, C.G. ALFAFARA, M.G. BORINES, F.R.P. NAYVE, A.A. DORADO, E.C. ESCOBAR, and J.S. VENTURA. 2017. Yield Optimization of Reducing Sugars from Acid Hydrolysis of Waste Microalgae Biomass. Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development 7: 21-33. http://pejard.slu.edu.ph/vol.7/2017.10.31.pdf
- MAGUYON-DETRAS, M.C. AND S.C. CAPAREDA. 2017. Determining the Operating Condition for Maximum Bio-oil Production from Pyrolysis of Nannochloropsis oculata. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 42(2):37-47.
- MAGUYON-DETRAS, M.C. and S.C. CAPAREDA. 2017. Upgrading of bio-oil and aqueous liquid product from pyrolysis of microalgae (Nannochloropsis oculata) by fractional distillation. International Journal of Biosciences. Vol. 10 (1): 218-231.
- MAGUYON, M.C.C. and S.C. CAPAREDA. 2013. Evaluating the Effects of Temperature on Pressurized Pyrolysis of Nannochloropsis oculata Based on Products Yields and Characteristics. Energy Conversion and Management Journal. Vol. 76. pp. 764-773.
- MAGUYON, M.C.C., G. ALFAFARA, V.P. MIGO, J.L. MOVILLON and C.M. REBANCOS. 2012. Recovery of Copper from Spent Solid Printed-Circuit-Board (PCB) Wastes of a PCB Manufacturing Facility by Two-Step Sequential Acid Extraction and Electrochemical Deposition. Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 15. No. 1. pp. 21-31.
- ALFAFARA, C.G., C.C. MAGUYON, M.V. LAURIO, V.P. MIGO, L. TRINIDAD, E. OMPAD, J.M. SUNGA-AMPARO, M. MENDOZA. 2012. Scale-Up and Operating Factors for Electrolytic Silver Recovery from Effluents of Artisanal Used-Gold-Jewelry Smelting Plants in the Philippines. Journal of Health and Pollution Vol. 2. No. 3. pp. 32-42.
- MAGUYON, M.C.C., C.G. ALFAFARA, V.P. MIGO, J.L. MOVILLON, R.R. NAVARRO and M. MATSUMURA. 2007. Treatability Study for the Electrochemical Treatment of Piggery Wastewater. Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal. Vol. 10. No. 1.
- MOVILLON, J.L., S.A. VALENCIA, M.G. BORINES, C.C. MAGUYON and R. D. PITOGO III. 2006. Immobilization of Aspergillus oryzae Alpha-amylase in Cu2+-Chitosan Complex. Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal. Vol. 9 No. 1
Conference Proceedings
- CASTILLO KJT, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, VP MIGO, CG ALFAFARA. 2020. Parametric and Optimization Studies for Biochar Production from Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) via Pyrolysis. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (RSCE 2019) 778, 012078.
- PARANAQUE JEL, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, VP MIGO, CG ALFAFARA. 2020. Chromium Removal from Chrome-Tannery Effluent After Alkaline Precipitation by Adsorption Using Municipal Solid Waste-Derived Activated Biochar. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (RSCE 2019) 778, 012134.
- CHIAM PC, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, VP MIGO, CG ALFAFARA Parametric and Optimization Studies on the Production of Nanoscale Biochar-NPK fetilizer using Sugarcane Bagasse-Derived Biochar as Carrier IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (RSCE 2019) 778, 012079.
- REVILLA PND, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, VP MIGO, CG ALFAFARA Nitrate Removal from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption Using Municipal Solid Waste-Derived Activated Biochar IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (RSCE 2019) 778, 012135.
- CATLI NBJ, VP MIGO, CG ALFAFARA, MC MAGUYON-DETRAS, CCP BRUTAS Optimization of the Production of a Complete Fetilizer Formulation by Batch Impregnation Using Clinoptilolite Zeolite as Carrier IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (RSCE 2019) 778, 012066.
- TOLEDO, M., V. MIGO, C. ALFAFARA, C. MAGUYON-DETRAS, C.C. BRUTAS 2019. Process Optimization for the Production of Potassium-Carrageenan Nanofertilizer by Ionic Crosslinking. MATEC Web of Conferences (RSCE 2018) 268, 05002.
- PLOFINO, D.J.M, C.C.P. BRUTAS, C.G. ALFAFARA, C. MAGUYON-DETRAS, V.P. MIGO. 2019. Parametric and Optimization Studies on the Entrapment of Potassium Fertilizer into Chitosan-Polymethacrylic acid Carrier via Ionic Gelation . MATEC Web of Conferences (RSCE 2018) 268, 06009.
- NIDO, P.J., V. MIGO, C. MAGUYON-DETRAS, C. ALFAFARA. 2019. Process Optimization of Potassium Nanofertilizer Production via Ionotropic Pre-Gelation using Alginate-Chitosan Carrier. MATEC Web of Conferences (RSCE 2018) 268, 05001.
Courses Taught
ChE 32 – Industrial Stoichiometry
ChE 41 – Chemical Process Industries
ChE 149 – Transport Phenomena
ChE 156 – Unit Operations Laboratory II
ChE 243 – Advanced Transport Phenomena
ChE 284 – Solid Waste Management
ChE 286 – Air Quality and Pollution Control Engineering
ChE 288 – Hazardous Waste Management
ChE 299 – Graduate Seminar