Comparative Analysis of the Different Pre-treatment Methods of Sugarcane Bagasse for Bioethanol Production

Author : Borja, Jether Emanuel A.
Major Adviser : Movillon, Jovita L.
Committee Members : Arocena, Rhebner E.; Capunitan, Jewel A.
Year : 2021
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Bioethanol production using bagasse as feedstock involves pretreatment which aims to separate the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin component of sugarcane bagasse. It is important to find the most effective pretreatment method for laboratory use since it can be used for large-scale production. In this study, several pretreatment methods were evaluated according to their effectiveness in increasing cellulose yield, hemicellulose removal, and lignin removal. The partial capital and operating expenditure of the equipment and reagents used for each method were also evaluated. Toxic-by products of the methods were also listed. The pretreatment’s power consumption and carbon dioxide emission were also estimated. The study showed that alkaline pretreatment has the highest increase in cellulose yield with 89.53% thus it was deemed to be the most effective method. It also has the lowest capital expenditure and second-lowest operating expenditure. However, it has the highest electrical costs with PhP 25,186.171 /year, and carbon dioxide emissions with 2,229.186 kg/year. To lessen the energy requirement and carbon dioxide emissions, it is recommended to lower the residence time and temperature during alkaline pretreatment.

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