Parametric Study on the Production of Levulinic Acid by Acid-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Corn Husk
Author : Dailo, Karl Zhimon Fresnido
Major Adviser : Gatdula, Kristel M.
Committee Members : Dizon, Lisa Stephanie H.; Sanchez, Denise Ester S.
Year : 2019
Month : June
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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The study on the production of levulinic acid from corn husk is significant since it concerns about the production of value-added product that can be derived from levulinic acid. This study can help not only the researchers but also the farmers to utilize agricultural waste and increase their income. The study aimed to produce levulinic acid from corn husk by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis and to determine if acid pre-treatment (0.5 % v/v, 0 % v/v), addition of electrolytes (25 % w/v, 0 % w/v), and solid loading (6 g, 2 g) have a significant effect on the levulinic acid yield. The actual yield is evaluated and compared from the theoretical yield, and the obtained highest yield was 23.2377 % (w/w), and this was achieved by subjecting the sample through 0.5 % (v/v) acid pre-treatment, without addition of electrolytes, and 2 % (w/v) substrate loading. Under varying pre-treatment, it was observed that the yields for 0.5 % (w/v) acid pre-treatment are higher compared to the yields for without pre-treatment, but the increase is not significant in this study. The only significant parameter in the study was substrate loading. It was observed that the lower the substrate loading the higher the yield of levulinic acid. There are no significant interactions observed. The researcher recommends that the samples should be characterized before and after pre-treatment and the entire test runs should be analyzed at the same time to avoid inconsistency.
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