Production of Muscovado Sugar from Sugarcane. I. Milling Experimental Study II. Pre-feasibility Study
Author : Garcia, Raymond Marcelo
Major Adviser : Acda, Reynaldo I.; Lozada, Ernesto P.
Committee Members : Movillon, Jovita L.; Abrigo Jr., Castano S.
Year : 1995
Month : October
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Dry and wet milling extraction performance of a three-roller crusher was determined. The milling experimental results were utilized in designing an improved muscovado mill with a 2 tons cane per hour (tch) capacity. A pre-feasibility study was conducted on the designed muscovado mill.
For the dry milling, juice extraction from the first to third pass was about 40 , 45, 50 percent respectively while pol extractions were almost of the same percentage. Deviations of these values from the standards were attributed to worn out rollers, fixed mill setting and spills.
For wet milling at 25% level of imbibition, pol extraction was about 56% which had a gain of about 4% from the value of the third pass in dry crushing. The efficiency of imbibition employed is 60%. Deviations from the standards were attributed to the intermittent delays in using a single three-roller crusher aside from the factors stated in dry milling.
The mill was found to be profitable with an ROI of 103% at the base case (100% plant capacity utilization, juice extraction and muscovado sold at a base price of P30/kg) A sensitivity analysis was employed by varying the plant capacity utilization, juice extraction efficiency and the product prices. Profitable range of values for plant capacity utilization were derived from the results of the sensitivity analysis under normal juice extraction of 50-65%: for P25/kg, 70-100%; for P30/kg, 60-100% and for P35/kg, 50-100%. The discounted cash flow rate (DCFR) was also computed for the base case and found to be 101%.
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