Production of Sweet Potato Beverage
Author : Alzona, Girlie Zarate
Major Adviser : Chay, Pham Binh
Major Co-Adviser : Movillon, Jovita L.
Committee Members : Acda, Reynaldo I.
Year : 1992
Month : October
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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The sweet potato beverage was prepared using fresh sweet potato, blended with the desired amount of water. Sugar and salt of known proportion were added. The sweet potato sample was fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae for five days. The product was evaluated in terms of its reducing sugar content, total sugar and ethanol content.
The total sugar content increased with respect to temperature. Concentration showed no significant trend and pH 5.0 was the most ideal pH.
The dextrose equivalent (reducing sugar content) showed no definite trend with regards to concentration. pH 5.0 had the highest conversion while temperature decreased the reducing sugar content.
The ethanol content increased with respect to temperature, insignificant with respect to concentration but still, exhibited maximum content at pH, 6.0. The interlinking effect of the three parameters showed no optimum points for the process.
Further tests were necessary for the design for simultaneous carbonation and fermentation since there was no way of keeping the CO2, intact during sampling. Moreover, the presence of CO2, served as one of the limiting factors in the fermentation.
Sensory evaluation of the product samples was done to determine if there were significant difference with regards to its taste, odor and color. Results revealed that all of the samples were significantly different at 95% confidence level. Concentration of 60 g/L and pH 5 and 6 showed higher acceptability.
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