Solvent Extraction of Oil from Hanga Nuts (Pittosporum resineferum Hems.)
Author : Montoya, Mari-len Pendon
Major Adviser : Acda, Reynaldo I.
Major Co-Adviser : De Guzman, Constancio C.
Committee Members :
Year : 1996
Month : April
Type : Thesis
Degree: BS
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Oils were extracted from hanga nuts, using solvent extraction, with dichloromethane as the solvent. The percent yield, power requirement and the percent solvent recovery were determined from the given set of conditions and number of siphonings.
The highest % yield obtained was 17.61 % using 25 siphonings and extraction time of 76.88 minutes. The percent recovery of the solvent ranged from 47.55 to 87.46 %. The low % recovery of the solvent was due to the evaporation and spillage of the solvent during extraction and recovery process as well.
The energy requirement was determined and found to increase as the number of siphonings increases. The energy requirements ranges from 1,077.74 to 1,772.46 kJ/hr 47.80 grams of hanga.
The composition of the extracted oil was determined using the standard gas chromatography. The heptane content averaged 11.30 %. The other components showed the compositions, α-pinene (26.95 %), β-pinene (11.99 %), limonene (28.50 %) and hornyl acetate (0.81 %).
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